Council meets tonight
The Niagara Falls City Council meets tonight. The agenda seems fairly routine with one item that seems a bit controversial.
The administration would like to use a $300,000 state grant to purchase 24 solar powered stationary plate readers to be installed throughout the city at locations of the police department’s choosing.
The plate readers will assist in surveillance.
Most police vehicles in the city already have plate reader technology which frequently results in stops for things like improper plates, suspended registration and no insurance.
When the resolution previously came before the council, members led by Donta Myles questioned where the surveillance units would be placed.
The plate readers have been criticized by civil liberty advocates as intrusive.
The council will also vote on a $52,385 change order for additional work at the D’Amelio Park Splash Pad on Highland Avenue. The addition brings the total cost to $789,682 for the 4th District project.