Niagara Falls Express: Joseph Genco, Editor
Thank you for checking out my new Website. It is a work in progress. This pages will be a combination of useful information and news about Niagara Falls and Lewiston.
It will be the sort of things you expect from a newspaper with my own, quirky twist, a place where people who live and love our quality of life can find what to do this weekend and where travelers visiting for the first time can learn where to get the best high end cocktail or craft brewed beer.
It will celebrate Artpark, Festivals in Lewiston, our wonderous gorge and the beauty of a brown poodle and a loving wife.
Thanks in advance for your support, encouragement and feedback. My hope, in time, is for this page and format to be the logical successor to a traditional media that has grown archaic.
It was Mr. Gretzky who said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
Enjoy the ride.