The World According to Bob

(Editor’s note: Niagara Falls Mayor Bob Restaino appears weekly on Youtube to update residents about what his administration is doing. It is summarized below.)


Spring is right around the corner. This weather is going to change very soon. Change your clocks. Spring forward.

Heroes at Sam’s Club

There was a pretty heroic event at Sam’s Club. Manager and patron saved a life when a man who had a heart attack. The 81-year-old lived to turn 82 the next day.

The store manager will be celebrated this weekend but the patron has not been identified.

Moving forward downtown

The event center and Main Street projects are moving forward. The Mayor is headed for Albany to have conversations about Centennial Park and the success of turning around nearly 30 years of no development.

The north end university housing and individual housing development is moving forward. It is time for proposal review. The goal is to guard against people acquiring property and sitting on it like Hastings, Niagara Falls Redevelopment and Blue Cardinal.

Streetscape work is coming

The Main Street area will be getting an upgraded streetscape. Bids are going out for work.

Potholes are nasty

Tuesday temps were in the mid 50s. Wednesday it was 30s again. Roads all around the region have the same problem. Every community is suffering through it. Hot patch is not available until the plant opens in April. As long as people in public works and parks aren’t plowing or salting they will be out cold patching.

“I drive the same roads you drive and I see the same things you see. Exercise caution as you are driving. Be careful on the road.”

Hibernians and a birthday

Next weekend on Saturday, March 14th the Hibernians will have the shortest St. Patrick’s Day parade and festival at the convention center. Monday March 17 city is the city’s 133rd birthday.

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