
(Editor’s note: Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino issues weekly proclamations on Youtube that are more revealing than anything else published about city government and the actions of the all-powerful executive branch. For the third week, I watched so you don’t have to. If you want to see the full thing, here it is.
Plaudits for the DPW
Thank you to the the DPW for doing its job and keeping the snow plowed.
This week’s snark
Congratulations to the council majority “for continuing to agree that putting up with a near three-decade property owner that wants to do nothing and having been told by the courts of this state that the city is within its rights to take the acreage necessary for centennial park, the event center and the park, I thank them for their vote to allow us to go forward if necessary with an action to secure the deed to the property a the corner of 10th and Falls Street.”
At the crux of the deeding issue is that when the city turned the property over, since it was parkland, it needed to be alienated via a home rule message issued by state legislature at the request of the new owner for the deed to be valid.
“Nowhere here, nor in Albany is there any evidence that was done” the Mayor said. . . . “The right thing would have been to develop the hotel and spa at the Turtle or the hotel and spa at 10th and Falls.”
The Mayor also defended the notion the failure of process should have been discovered earlier by taking a potshot at council member Donta Myles without speaking his name.
“For those who think, including one of our councilmembers, we should have known this in advance, well who knew the Milstein Group would have taken some property improperly?
“Who knew that they would do that? One would think that they would have obtained the property making sure that all of the Is were dotted and Ts were crossed."
“Had we not started doing title work prior to purchase for fair market value it never would have been discovered.”
Lighting update
The Mayor said he recently met with Wendell on the lighting changeover from incandescent to LED, an energy-saving and quality-of-life upgrade made over the last 15 years in most communities and now underway in Niagara Falls.
The project is not 20 to 25% completed and should be 100% by spring.
He said the new lighting will be more directed to assist drivers and light what it is supposed to.
At the Genco home, this writer can say the amount of light coming into our upstairs bedroom has been reduced by 50%. Last night we came home late and had forgotten to put on the porchlight. Surprisingly, our front door was better lit than it used to be.
Main Street
Developer tours of the Bridge District properties along Main Street are continuing. Interested parties are beginning to ask specific questions about which buildings they would like.
Seneca talks
The city is in ongoing discussions with Seneca Nation regarding collaborative service.
There has been no communication from the state regarding the compact that allows the Seneca Casinos and revenue sharing.
It’s winter
Every week, the mayor reminds us it is winter. Remember winter driving habits. Shovel your walks. Even if you live on the corner and have to shovel extra. “It takes all of us pitching in.”
Go Bills
There is a big football game Sunday. Wherever and with whomever you need to be sitting with to get a good result this is the time. Go Bills If you are having a party please be responsible.