City may spend casino $$ on derelict property

More than just the water board got settled at Wednesday’s council meeting.

The Council also voted to authorize $1.5 million in casino revenue for the Urban Renewal Agency to negotiate the purchase of 39 downtown properties owned by Blue Cardinal Development as well as the Rapids Theatr,e owned by a corporation allegedly owned by John Hutchins, 1711 Main St. LLC.

BankOn Buffalo parent CNB is foreclosing on the Blue Cardinal properties. The city already has developers interested in 3, including Sinatra Development which is rumored to have its eyes on the Jenss Building. Niagara University also has other interests but specifics are unknown.
The Rapids has been closed for at least the last 3 months. There are not current shows scheduled for the historic theater and is the target of foreclosure action from Niagara’s Choice Credit Union.

In the last month, Hutchins and workers have been observed removing chairs and other items he listed for sale on Facebook.

The Urban Renewal Agency will negotiate with the lien holders over the rights to the property in question. Council member Donta Myles voted no.

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