Niagara Falls Police Blotter

LARCENY: A women reported Saturday she used her State Benefit Card to charge $10.17 in Buffalo and later realized it had been accessed and used in Chicago for charges of $1375.93.

LARCENY: A Walnut Avenue guest staying at an AirBnb reported the theft of a phone valued at $800 sometime between Sunday and Monday.

FIGHT: Police on patrol on Niagara Street at about 4:15 p.m. Monday observed a fight between two females blocking the street and obstructing traffic. As police approached, people gathered scattered. A witness said Amber Rowlett, 42, of 1420 Ferry Ave. had been beating a woman with a stick. The victim was gone. A broken stick was recovered. Rowlett refused to cooperate. She was charged with disorderly conduct/obstructing traffic.

VEHICLE: Police patrolling Niagara Street were notified by a plate reader that a Pontiac Montana had improper plates at about 8:10 p.m. Monday. Dwayne Handley was charged with driving an unregistered vehicle, no insurance and aggravated unlicensed operation.

ARCADE MACHINES BURGLARIZED: Policer were called to Capitol Theater on Builder’s Way at about 7:30 p.m. Monday where a series of Arcade Machines had been pried open and $100 in quarters was taken.

NEIGHBOR DISPUTE: Police were called to a Buffalo Avenue address for a report of a neighbor dispute at about 3:40 Tuesday afternoon. A woman said she confronted her neighbor about mail tampering. Following the dispute, she heard pounding on her door. Damage was estimated at $400.

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