More on preservation, Turtle, Rapids, Jenss


Coverage yesterday about the designation of eligibility failed to mention councilperson Brian Archie voted in favor at the public hearing several months ago.

It doesn’t change what is a mothballed landmark or all the vacant property spread across the core of Niagara Falls owned by the city as well as Niagara Falls Redevelopment and absentee landlords.

Other things worth considering:

First, on the Rapids Theatre, it is not worth considering without considering surrounding property. 

1) It needs a Historic Preservation designation yesterday.

2) Much of the furniture and sound equipment has reportedly by taken/sold by the current owners without the consent of the bankruptcy trustee. This is likely another crime.

3) The adjacent blue building just south of the Rapids near the courtyard used for smoking and food trucks during shows was used for garbage disposal over the last few years of operation because it’s easier to dump trash in a vacant building than to rent a dumpster. Any plan for redevelopment of the Rapids will have to include cleaning that property.

Finally, rumor has it Sinatra Development is the preferred partner for redevelopment of the Jenss Building into Niagara University Housing. Sinatra has had successful development in Buffalo but lost funding and has been unable to complete Canalside projects there because of the same economic market keeping Montante from moving quickly forward with Falls projects. The Polly King art in the windows looks nice. We will see how it ages over the years.

Sinatra is not Hastings or Blue Cardinal or for that matter, Rod Davis. We just have to hope the city administration does its due diligence before engagement. Ditto anyone investing in the Rapids.

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