Pedal for the Parks this weekend


There is a bike ride Sunday morning from Beaver Island called Pedal for the Parks.

I will be doing the 34-mile route. It will give a chance to ride across the north north Grand Island Bridge.

When my e-assist bike was new, I rode it home from East Amherst and almost killed the battery. That was 36 miles.

I am wondering with a weaker battery how long it will take. It has 3 assist settings. I will use the lowest for the first half, switch to middle at the turn if I still have 50% and take my chances on a dead, heavy bike heading home.

I have pedaled across the Grand Island Bridges before. The signs say please walk your bike but no one does. Going downhill is tough because like heading into Lewiston past Fort Grey, speed is easy. Stopping? Not so much.

As for Fort Gray, stop and give the overlook a gander. The sensible way to get there is on a bike. If you walk, it’s almost 2 miles from the nearest parking spot.

Also, Saturday morning, I rode to Lewiston for the market at Academy Park. Workers were busy building trail for the new path into Artpark. They are still layering rough gravel base and eventually move to paving.

A worker on site said it should be open by November or so. He also looked at me suspiciously and said “people think they are going to ride their bikes on this path. It will curve to much to do that safely.”

As for Pedal for the Parks, You can register to participate here.

Here’s what GoBike Buffalo had to say about it last week via email.

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