Centennial Park feasibility study proposed

In what appears to be a very busy agenda, the Niagara Falls City Council will vote Wednesday night on a recommendation for a feasibility study for the Centennial Park.

The $140,000 study will be funded by National Grid and Empire State Development.

Centennial Park, a proposed $150 million multi-use facility is proposed on land owned by Niagara Falls Redevelopment adjacent to Seneca Niagara Casino a half mile from the entertainment district.

The city may have spent more than $1 million on legal fees already for the project but the administration has stonewalled requests for accountability and transparency.

There is no funding in place for the acquisition of the property or the construction of the park.

In other items the council will vote on:

The sale of 422 Cedar Avenue as-is to Bryant Smith for $15,000. Smith intends to renovate the property and place it back in service as a rental.

Extension of the prisoner meal contract with Frankie’s Donuts, $3 for breakfast. $4.25 for lunch/supper, vegan and diabetic.

Reporting from Mark Scheer this morning in the Gazette on the city’s dog shelter emergency will likely be the topic of speakers in the For the Good of the Community portion of the agenda.

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