Falls School Board Updates
Asset audit: Administrator for School Business Services Rebecca Holody shared the findings of a recent audit on fixed assets. Bonadio & Co., LLP completed the internal audit. They reviewed the District’s fixed assets and capital projects during the 2022 – 2023 year and found three opportunities for refinement. The District approved and submitted a corrective action plan (CAP) to the New York State Department of Education.
Health and safety: Administrator for Human Resources Maria Massaro presented on workplace violence and safety policies. The District has established a safety committee that meets monthly to discuss all safety issues, from sports injuries to mental health. The safety committee reviewed and approved the Workplace Violence Prevention Program, which the Board of Education voted to accept.
Budget upate Superintendent Mark Laurrie presented the 2024-2025 general fund budget, which has stayed the same in the last two weeks. This proposed budget features no reductions in full-time equivalent staff or cuts to current programs. The recommended budget is $190,992,049 and includes the use of reserve funds. There will be no increase to the tax levy. Sixty percent of voters must approve this budget for the spending plan to pass.
Disney Report: Niagara Falls High School (NFHS) students who went to a leadership conference at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, shared a video they made of their experience. The 16 participants mentioned learning a great deal about leadership, teamwork, life skills, and how each person in a successful company like Disney is an integral part of the team.
HBCU visits: Niagara Falls High School student Laya Westbrook and advisor Freida Cowart shared the experiences of 19 students who ventured on a field trip to Historically Black Colleges and Universities over spring break. The group visited the King Center and Freedom Hall, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morris Brown College, the Apex Museum, and Morehouse College.
Africa visit: NFHS Dean Freida Cowart thanked the Board for providing the means for 12 students to travel to Ghana, Africa. Two students shared their experiences on the trip with teaching the children, the food, the friendliness of the people, and some very solemn moments at a castle utilized during slave trade. Student Nayla Bradley said the trip made her feel grateful for her ancestors and what they went through so she can have the opportunities she has in education and all areas of life today.
School Calendar: Superintendent Laurrie shared the proposed 2024 – 2025 school year calendar. The first day for teachers is Thursday, August 29, 2024. The first day of school for students is Thursday, September 5, 2024. There will be four superintendent conference days. A new school holiday has been added, the Lunar New Year. The District will have a two-week spring recess.
Superintendent Laurrie’s Report
- Niagara Falls High School (NFHS) won first place out of 23 Western New York High schools in the Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge. The winning team members are Robinyo Robin, Kaden DePadre, Samaksh “ Steve” Batra, and Lyrik Hamilton. Thank you to NFHS teacher Giulio Colangelo, the team’s teacher/advisor.
- Seventeen NFHS Spanish IV students recently returned from a trip to Puerto Rico, where they brushed up on their Spanish language skills and experienced the culture.
- Congratulations to Media Education Director Rocco Strangio and the NFHS Media Production Students, who produced an eclipse documentary that premiered at the Niagara Falls Public Library on Tuesday, April 29, 2024. Around 50 people attended the showing. In addition, the New York State Senate has asked the District if they may play the documentary before lawmakers.
- The Niagara Falls Education Foundation Dinner is Wednesday, May 1, at Antonio’s Restaurant. The Foundation will be awarding 23 NFHS students scholarships of $2,000 or more.
- The Niagara Falls High School Proscenium Alumni / Community Players are presenting the play 12 Angry Jurors on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 2, 3, and 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the NFHS Performing Arts Center (PAC). There will also be a Saturday matinee at 1:00 p.m.
- The next meeting of the City of Niagara Falls City School District Board of Education is Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at Central Office, 630 66th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304