Niagara Falls Police Blotter

327 days without a drug murder in the hood. On Oct. 2, 2023 shooting on Pine Avenue. Robert Miller was the victim.

MENACING: Police were called to 1360 Cleveland Ave. for a report of a landlord/tenant dispute at about 6:20 p.m. Tuesday. The tenant claimed Brayton Wilson, 32, of that address changed the locks and would not let him retrieve his belongings from the condemned premises. Police advised Wilson about appropriate eviction procedures. As they attempted to clear the scene. Wilson pushed the tenant almost down the stairs. He was charged with harassment and menacing.

SMASHED VEHICLE: A resident of the 600 block of 20th Street reported someone slashed the tires, tore of the mirror and bumper, smashed the windows and spraypainted “cheater” and “STD” on his car sometime Thursday.

PETIT LARCENY: A St. John’s Parkway resident reported the theft of a pair of workboots valued at $160 from his vehicle sometime Thursday.

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