The unhinged Democratic Party

By Will Crois

Special to the Express

The other night I sat down in front of my television to watch what many coined a "crucial debate " by two nominees for the President of the United States. Joe Biden, the current USA president and Donald Trump the ex-president .

These two had sparred before. I expected nothing new and certainly not a lock in vote for the results.

Biden came out tired, looking and sounding weak. Trump, on the other hand, came on as usual blustery, lying and name-calling.

Nothing monumental or earth shaking was said and nothing was said to cement a vote in by either.

Still, at the end, some of the Democratic Party suggested that their chosen leader should resign because of his weak, sickly debate night.

My first reaction was the common "What??" that people give these days to a statement or question they don't understand or one that seems laughable .The second was disbelief in the fact that more than one shared this sentiment.

The Republican Party is running a 34-time Felon candidate who not only voids the results of the elections but spent the night spewing lies upon lies, (and not one thought he should have resigned )?

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