Niagara Falls Police Blotter

PETIT LARCENY: Police were called to the Brydges Library after a patron said he left his coat on a chair while using the bathroom and returned to find someone took his bus pass and house keys at about 11:30 a.m. Wednesday.

GARAGE BURGLARIZED: A resident of the 400 block of 18th Street reported someone stole tools and tire rims valued in excess of $1,300 from his garage sometime between Wednesday and Thursday.

DINE AND DASH: Four women ate at Denny’s on Niagara Falls Boulevard at 3:45 p.m. Thursday and skipped on a $63.80 bill. They attempted to Uber away but the driver, seeing employees giving chase, kicked them out of his vehicle.

BURGLARY: A resident of the 2000 block of 18th Street reported someone broke into her apartment, ransacked the place and stole a Playstation valued at $550 sometime Thursday afternoon.

FOILED PURSE SNATCH: At 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Dollar Tree on Portage Road, a woman saw a man snatch her purse from her cart and take off running. She yelled and gave chase. The suspect was wearing a dark wig. Unknown bystanders chased the suspect east. She followed in her car and arrived as police took Andrew Goodman, 62, of Buffalo into custody. Goodman was charged with grand larceny and possession of burglar tools. He had a crowbar in his backpack in addition to a Halloween mask and wig.

INVESTIGATION: Police were called to a Niagara Falls Boulevard smoke shop after a man involved in a dispute with an employee allegedly brandished a firearm at about 10 p.m. Thursday.

STOLEN VEHICLE: An Uber Eats driver left his car running and unattended near 16th and Ferry streets at about 12:20 a.m. Friday while verifying he had delivered to the proper address. He saw a large-framed white woman get in and drive away. Information was given to dispatch for an attempt to locate. Parks Police located the vehicle and executed a traffic stop. Sarah Krantz, 34, of Appleton, was taken into custody on charges of grand larceny and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

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