The World According to Bob
Lighting update
Streetlight work is now extending into the east part of the city saving money on utility costs and more.
City Market ready for summer
The mayor is working with Field & Fork Network to develop programming for the city market for the coming year with programming beginning in June.
Support farmers and get some fresh fruits and vegetables.
Movies at the library
Thanks to director Sarah Potwin for a schedule of family films at the Niagara Falls Public Library.
2:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, Mufasa
2:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, Wizard of Oz
Utility upgrades
Thanks to the New York Power Authority, lighting in city hall is being upgraded.
The result will be a more pleasant work environment and utility savings.
Casino update and ‘there are those’
Conversations between the state and Seneca Nation on the creation of a new compact are continuing. The compact expired in Dec. 2023
“We have been going along now for a little over a year without a compact in place. There are those who will talk about different ways for which the host communities and especially the host community of Niagara Falls should be receiving revenue from the state finance law which is really the instrument that controls how the host communities get their funding.
“Just know that. notwithstanding what others may be proposing, it is the intention of this administration to stand fast on the fact that you know as part of the 51 acres that our friends in the Seneca Nation and and our friend at the Seneca Gaming corporation operate in the city of Niagara Falls.
“The city has provided and will continue to provide services for public safety and public works so as a consequence, the resources that we receive under the state finance law are really resources that we use to defray some of that expense as well as use as we have now in the past for economic development.
“Just know that it isn’t the question of whether or not one supports other institutions in the community, it is really a function of sort of the equity of this host community with regard to the other host communities of Salamanca and Buffalo.
“Our administration will continue to stand firm on the fact that all of those resources should continue to come and stay with the city of Niagara Falls.”
And the weather
“You can probably tell by my voice I am a victim of this roller coaster weather we are having. It is spring. So I guess this is par for the course. Let me just say to all of you over the next couple days we expect the temperature will first take a dive and then start to climb again. People will be out and about with scooters and bicycles all of those things that start to make their appearance when spring arrives so please be mindful.
“You know we have had our share of incidents and accidents with regard to motor vehicles and other vehicles on the road whether bicycles or scooters. Let’s just be mindful and careful because they are sharing the road with all of us automobile drivers.”
It is going to be difficult sometimes because we are still working to take care of all of the potholes that are out there.
“Like every other community as I shared with you I was in Albany a while back and to be honest with you, Albany was no better off in terms of its road conditions than we are and you will find that with every city in the northeast.”
The mayor anticipates the asphalt plant may open earlier this year and if it is the city may be able to make these repairs sooner.
“In the meantime, our crews are out there trying to do their best to fill in some of these problem areas
“Be mindful, slowdown and realize there are other people sharing the road with you, even pedestrians.”