Political season
Candidates are out passing petitions.
I only have a bit of direct knowledge:
- Republican committee persons, for council, are circulating two petitions, one for David Zajac, who is endorsed. They are circulating other petitions for Tanya Barone and Vincent Cauley who are unendorsed but obviously supported.
- On the Democratic side, the endorsed candidates are Bridgette Myles, John Kinney and Noah Munoz.
- Incumbent Democrat Donta Myles stands alone passing petitions for himself.
- John Accardo, who served on the council from 1992 to 2001 has been circulating petitions hoping to gain the Republican line and with the endorsement of the Conservative party. He is allegedly supported by Mayor Robert Restaino.
- Bob Belton has been preparing petitions and will be circulating them but has no committee chairperson and may be running as a Democrat.
The Express will be publishing candidate profiles and is willing to sit with anyone running who wishes to discuss why they are running and their qualifications. An interview has been completed with Noah Munoz but has not yet been published.
Walking the gorge
Spring is upon us. It is fun seeing the arrowwood turn red, the raspberry brambles blue and the willows yellow. There is still ice clinging in the lower reaches of the gorge. In another few weeks the forest will burst with the yellow flowers of lesser celandine, a toxic invasive. Japanese knotweed will also sprout. It is another invasive but it tastes like rhubarb.