Disc golf tourney coming


The biggest amateur disc golf tournament in the world is coming to Burmaster Park and Royalton Ravine in 2026.

The Professional Disc Golf Association Amateur World Championships.

The team from Western New York Disc Golf Club, Buffalo Niagara Sports Commission, Niagara County, and Erie County Parks won the bid for 2026 Am Worlds.

Tournament director Sam Castiglione (#27504) and his team from WNYDGC will welcome the PDGA to beautiful Western New York and showcase the dedication and experience of their wonderful community on the Major stage.

The courses at Bond Lake, Royalton Ravine, Black Diamond at Emery Park, and the Lighthouse at Como Lake will host the competition.

Burmaster (Bond) is among the most difficult courses in Western New York and appears to have been designed for just such a tournament.

"Hosting the PDGA Amateur Championships is an incredible honor, and we are thrilled to welcome players and fans to the Buffalo-Niagara region for this historic event,” Castiglione said. “Thank you to our tournament team, Western New York Disc Golf Club, our vibrant community, Erie and Niagara County, the Buffalo Niagara Sports Commission, and Destination Niagara USA for their unwavering support.

This is the first major championship awarded to our region.

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