New Lewiston path is open


The new bikepath/rock scramble between the top of the escarpment and Artpark is now open and mostly ice free.

The path to the top is mostly a staircase. The parking lot is a muddy mess.

The fun thing is the stairs cut the pedestrian distance to Fort Gray by half. It used to be two miles by bike from Center Street or the same distance from Devils Hole. 

A constant stream of residents was walking the new stairs Sunday.

Fort Gray overlook is just south from the top of the stairs a 1/4 mile away. It was a defensive position in the War of 1812 on a point overlooking the Niagara River.

On Sunday, staring into the distance you could see Burlington, Hamilton and Toronto skylines. Buffalo had a 2024 population of about 273,000. Hamilton was almost 800,000. Hamilton needs an NHL team.

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