Frank Mariani draws in on one crisis of today.


(Editor’s note: We haven’t bought grocery store eggs in years. Three good places to get free range brown eggs; Kydds Farm Stand, Route 31 in Cambria; Strobel Farms, Coomer Road, Burt; Buffalo Love Campbell Boulevard, Pendleton; this Saturday, from Thymes Right Farm, First Presbyterian Church, Lewiston. Most will be in the range of $5 a dozen and a different food than the @kreher family offers. Here’s what Frank wrote.)

It’s not-so-instant replay time, and I’m not talking about football. Egg prices are all over the news, so I’m reposting a cartoon from January 2023.

The average price for a dozen eggs is now $4.15. That’s about 35 cents per egg. My cartoon suggests they are $1.00 per egg if you interpret the gag literally. But consider the cost of a homemade three-egg omelet. A buck, indeed!

Prices are expected to get much higher in 2025. We’ll see if the literalists are right.

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