Niagara Falls Police Blotter

STOLEN BIKES: A man reported parking his RV in the lot of Falls Auto Springs between Sunday and Tuesday. Someone cut the lock and stole two e-bikes off the back. The bikes are valued at about $1,800.

TRAFFIC STOP: An officer patrolling Ferry Avenue observed a vehicle with an expired inspection sticker and executed a traffic stop at about 6 p.m. Tuesday. Bruce Kohler, 40, of 507 23rd St, was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, no inspection and driving with a suspended registration.

BURGLARY: Someone broke a window and entered a residence in the 500 block of 15th Street sometime Tuesday afternoon. Clothes bins in the basement were ransacked. A tote of handbags was taken.

TRAFFIC STOP: Officers spotted a red mustang running stop signs and driving poorly several times early Wednesday morning. Eventually, they caught up with Antonio Pasquantino, 24, of 2010 Juron Drive and charged him with aggravated unlicensed operation, operating without insurance, no inspection, suspended registration, window tint violation and improper plates. Pasquantonio allegedly said to police “I have too many cars to register and insure, this is some bullshit” as well as “come to my house on Cayuga, my other Mustang has the other plate on it, it’s no big deal. They are both red mustangs.”

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