Niagara Falls Police Blotter

318 days without a drug murder in the hood. On Oct. 2, 2023 shooting on Pine Avenue. Robert Miller was the victim.

PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATED: Police were called to an Orleans Avenue address for a report of a violated order of protection at 11:50 a.m. Monday. The complainant said Maurice Morgan, 66, of 636 17th St. had been at her door with a knife. She had an order of protection against him. Morgan left the area on her bicycle. The victim tracked him in her car. He whacked her vehicle with a piece of wood. Police found him sitting in Gill Creek Park. He was charged with criminal contempt, menacing, petit larceny and criminal mischief.

NO INSURANCE: Officers stopped a vehicle being driven by Jessica Feeney, 32, of 615 Tronolone Place at 3:52 p.m. Monday on 11th Street and charged her with driving without insurance.

TOW TRUCK ISSUE: During the above mentioned traffic stop, officers felt their vehicle shake and realized a truck from Sartarian’s bumped their car while trying to squeeze past into a parking lot. At no point did the driver or passenger in the tow truck ask police to move their vehicle. George Sartarian, 70, of 3019 Pine Ave. was charged with moving from a lane unsafely. Sartarian was argumentative and claimed he did not hit the patrol car.

HOMELESS: Kevin Spellman, 38, homeless, was charged with trespassing after causing a scene at a Niagara Falls Boulevard auto dealership.He also allegedly pushed shopping carts into the road. He was charged with trespassing.

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