Slow Roll invades Old Falls Street


Slow Roll Buffalo and Reddy Bike brought their annual Pedal Party to Niagara Falls Friday night.

About 50 squad members attended in their telltale orange shirts with several riding to the ride from Buffalo.

Twenty or 30 other riders from places like Lewiston and Clarence as well as a few from Niagara Falls participated in the poorly publicized group ride which crashed the weekly Friday night party of Old Falls Street.

The ride took a circuitous route of about 10 miles through the city, stopping on18th Street near Pine Avenue to hear from Niagara Falls Councilperson Brian Archie who leads the Niagara Health Quality Coalition.

Archie talked about his organization’s programs as well as its E-bike library. Residents can sign out for an e-assist bike.

NHQC also has a program through which residents like Kenny Hankey of 74th Street can obtain e-assist bikes free of charge.

Reddy Bike has bike racks throughout the city. Outside of the tourism district, if you live in the Falls you can scan a QR code, download a program, buy an annual membership for $1 and ride a comfortable, well-maintained bike for a few dollars.

A great thing to do with a Reddy Bike is sign one out and take the bike path downhill along the weed-strewn bike paths into Lewiston where you can observe chemically enhanced suburban monoculture. The Discover Niagara Shuttle has a bike rack on the front so you can load your rack on the front and take it back up the hill for free.

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