Short Take Politics

President Biden delivers

President Joseph R. Biden, the oldest in our history, explained to the nation Wednesday night why he is not running for reelection. It was a great speech, delivered with aplomb, celebrating the return of America to greatness over the last 4 years. Crime is down. Inflation is down. Asylum seekers crossing the border are down to levels lower than the previous administration. There are even more Black and Brown jobs than ever before. (Sarcasm intended). Please admire his timing. He waited until after the Republicans picked JD Vance as VP nominee because Vance is an ultra-Maga woman hater.

Meanwhile at Fox . . .

The endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris is being presented as a “coronation”. In whispered tones the Republican attack dogs are struggling to find a reason to hate her while their candidate, the convicted felon and lifelong grifter prattles on spouting untruths to a gullible cult.…

‘Lyin’ Kamala’ the ‘Ultra-liberal’

All the septuagenarian ex-President can do is spout platitudes and rhetoric to attack his new opponent. If he doesn’t start polling better, he will go to race and gender. Even if he tries not to, I bet he can’t help it.…

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