Short Take Politics

Biden shines in press conference

Sure he still made a couple gaffs. He always will. But listening to President Biden Thursday take press questions, he seemed sharp, with a solid grasp of the issues and direct answers to questions, no empty rhetoric, no bullying and no making unconstitutional promises. I agree with 63% of Americans that this Presidential choice is embarrassing but one candidate speaks in specifics and has a grasp of the issues. The other is an orange clown in a circus sideshow. One candidate is a threat to our way of life. The other is a respected elder statesman.…

Schumer open to dumping Biden

As one candidate the sitting President, tours and makes sense, his party appears to be circling its wagon in efforts to try and get him to drop out. Meanwhile, the Republican rapist and fraudster spouts lies and rhetoric and admits before he took office, he didn’t know what NATO was and his supporters goose step right along with him.

Fetterman stands behind Biden

The Pennsylvania senator, he of hoodies and shorts, says he thinks President Biden has done a good job and will continue to do do.

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