Short Take Politics

Republicans push to restrict abortion

A fetus, even frozen and stored for in vitro fertilization, is a person in the eyes of the Republican Party platform which not only works to ban abortion but extends other draconian controls as it implements Christofascism and limits freedom.

Here’s a link to the Republican platform.

It is only 16 pages.…

Biden denies Parkinsons

As if the debate wasn’t bad enough, now the President is contending with allegations he has Parkinson’s disease. Last I knew, it impacts your ability to speak, not think. I prefer Biden to a lying child-rapist but maybe that’s just me.

Texas grid failing again

As Beryl pounds Texas and 3 million people are without power, and sweltering heat arrives, I can’t help but appreciate our electric grid which keeps the lights on in New York. It’s one of the reasons Confer Plastics quintupled its raw material storage capacity a few years ago. Those materials come from facilities that rely on the Texas electric grid.

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