Child-like wonder


We all pause sometimes for a sign on the library bulletin board advertising a Go Fund Me for a family burned out of their home, a mother caught by cancer or that dude that crashed his motorcycle.

As Gord and I wandered, we came across a yellow sign stapled to a phone pole.

LOST: Childlike sense of wonder.

“Slipped out the door one summer day many summers ago. Haven’t seen since.

“May be found:

  • In the sun-spotted shallows of a lake, spying on minnows and crayfish.
  • Under the adult table at a wedding watching the legs dance and sway.
  • Gazing up at the stars, pondering how one can be so big & yet so small.
  • Anywhere where something is being done for the sheer thrill & joy of it.
  • “Please report all sighting to

Vertical tear-offs with the email address adorned the bottom of the poster.

As for childlike wonder, I cling to it. Beth and Gord do, too. It is the secret of youth, life and everything in between. I gaze at the stars every chance I get. I spy fish and ducks and gulls in my river every chance I get. I wonder among the wildflowers along the bikepath.

We give thanks daily. Hopefully you do too.

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