Short Take Politics

Biden appears old and weak, opponent lies

I was off on a tour and so missed the Presidential debate last night. President Biden had a cold and apparently appeared weak and confused. His opponent stuck to his schtick, lie, lie again and then lie some more. As a country, how is this the best we can do? Both sides needed a better candidate. Instead we got this. Both sides should pick different candidates at the conventions. Nikki Haley v. Pete Buttigieg would be a better choice.…

Format favored ex-President

Shutting off the candidates’ mics when they weren’t speaking kept the debate civil. If they both had live mics, the President could have challenged lies in real team and his challenger would have had a chance to yell at inappropriate times. The result was the unhinged convicted felon appeared calmer and more competent than anticipated.

What a crisis

Rambling non sequiturs and non-answers made the Republican candidate stand out but the moderators did little to hold him accountable, and facts seemed dull from President Biden in the face of blustering lies. It was as if Biden was being gaslighted with so many false accusations there was no way to respond. The rhetorical technique is called the “Gish gallop.” Heather Cox Richardson explains.

Russia Russia Russia

It’s probably because I took a day off but hey, pay attention to the debate salad that spewed from the ex-President and how it fits with the narrative that he is a Russian asset. Putin’s minions used Paul Manafort’s debt to buy access and now have seized a young journalist as a spy.

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