Monks visit Falls


Monks completed their walk for World Peace Wednesday, ending a stroll that began March 31 in Key West with a visit to Niagara Falls and the Underground Railroad Heritage Museum.

Crowds of well wishers gathered around to pose for photos and say thank you to the orange-robed cheerful men.

Mahapanyo saw me on my bike before I saw him. He had a quick word of advice. Walk.

“When you walk one mile, you stay away from hospital for one year,” he explained.

The monks were all wearing Keen sandals with no socks. I wear, and hike in the same sandals 9 months of the year. They have great support and I have never had a blister but seeing them at the end of that long of a hike is very validating.

Inside, Saladin Allah, tour guide extraordinaire, gathered everyone around.

“We share our stories of freedom because we are much more alike than different,” Allah said.

With that, Allah led the visitors into the museum as other guests gathered to understand the tale of the maps and displays in the museum lobby.

The monks are staying at Wat Prodketchettharam of America on Bedell Road in Grand Island.

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