Short Take Politics
Orange man too far left, real Conservatives rise
In Arizona, an uprising is afoot. Apparently the presumptive obese, frail, elderly faux-billionaire is not far enough right. It is going to be an interesting convention in that horrible city Milwaukee.
Aileen Cannon questions everything
The Trump-appointed judge in the classified documents case is asking difficult questions just like she was bought to do.
Upcoming Supreme Court decisions
A bunch of important cases remain to be decided by the Supreme Court, including: Presidential immunity over election interference. Is it OK for a President to mess with the election results because he lost?; Did the January 6 insurrectionists obstruct justice?; Is it OK for a doctor to perform an emergency abortion in a state that has passed a law restricting the procedure?; Is it cruel and unusual punishment to tell the homeless they can’t sleep on the sidewalk when there is no room at the shelter?; If an environmental statute is unclear, should a challenge be interpreted by regulators or courts?; Is it OK for social media companies to censor objectionable content like misinformation from Russian or Chinese bots intended to influence our election? Is it OK for a settlement with Purdue Pharma to protect the Sackler family from personal liability.…