Niagara Falls Police Blotter

BURGLARY: Someone broke into Indian Kitchen King Sunday/Monday overnight, damaged an air conditioner and took $735 of cash from the business.

TRUCK STOLEN: A man left his keys in the ignition while loading his truck at about 1215 p.m. Monday in the 900 block of Niagara Street. Someone drove off with it.

KERFUFFLE: At about 4:08 p.m. Monday, police patrolling in the 1600 block of Linwood Avenue reported observing Jourdain Barnes, 24, who was wanted on multiple warrants. Officers approached Barnes and Aalivia Fair, 21, of 1211 13th. St. Both parties took off running and were chased. Barnes was captured and gave police a false name. He was placed in a patrol car. Fair snuck around the side and opened the door. Both ran again. Charges included obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, false personation, and 3rd degree escape.

MOWER STOLEN: A Michigan Avenue resident reported the theft of her lawnmower after someone cut the lock on her garden shed some time between Saturday and Monday.

WINDOW SMASHED: A resident of the 800 block of 20th Street reported youth smashed the windshield on a 1983 TransAm parked behind his garage.

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