Community group plans school board forum

The Niagara Community Information Group (NCIG), formerly the Niagara Community Education Group, is proud to announce a candidates’ forum for potential board members for the City of Niagara Falls City School District. The forum will take place on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the auditorium of the Main Street Branch of the Niagara Falls Public Library.

NCIG’s mission includes informing and activating the community to bring about positive change in education and other aspects of Niagara Falls life. NCIG is hosting the candidates’ forum as a service to the Niagara Falls community. NCIG member and event organizer, Mr. Lawrence Blaber Jr. extends his thanks to CNFCSD, Our Schools Channel and Niagara Falls Public Library for their communication and technical assistance. Our community benefits when all stakeholders collaborate.

NCIG President and CEO, Dr. Tina Gregory Schultz states, "There are big changes happening in the realm of education. Gov. Hochuls' Back to Basics plan includes a state mandated requirement to align curriculum with the science of reading by Fall 2025. It is imperative the public know and understand where candidates stand on issues like this in order to make an informed decision."

In addition to the in person event at the Main Street branch of the public library, the forum will be livestreamed on the Our Schools Channel Website. The recording will also be posted on the CNFCSD YouTube channel for viewing after the event.

Currently, there are five candidates vying for the two board seats:

Carlton Cain

Portland Jackson

Brad McLeod

Jerry Puleo

Nick Vilardo

The public is encouraged to attend this event. You can submit candidate questions by emailing

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