Monday Reflections

By Will Crois

Special to the Express

On a Monday morning, I learned about a tragic incident: a 13-year-old girl shot at a party, with four others wounded. The news left me questioning how such a terrible event could occur. How could parents allow their child to attend a gathering only to hear that she had been fatally shot?

As I pondered this, memories of similar incidents in our country flooded my mind. The prevalence of youth-related crimes—shootings, robberies—made me wonder what had gone wrong. While such tragedies have occurred before, the current frequency and severity are deeply concerning.

Perhaps parents play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of their children. Reflecting on the past, I recall young parents from the late '60s and '70s expressing a desire to be friends with their kids.

They wanted to share experiences, including drinking, smoking, and playing together. However, this approach has its pitfalls. As parents, we must remain steadfast figures—ones our children can look up to, respect, and obey.

"Today’s younger generation appears to have lost respect for various aspects of society: law enforcement, family values, age, legal norms, and even the sanctity of human life. We often hear stories of young people being pulled over during traffic stops, only to speed away, leading police on dangerous chases that could result in accidents. These individuals seem to act without fear of consequences.

The erosion of respect and adherence to the law is concerning. Perhaps part of the issue lies with unqualified parents who fail to instill proper values in their children. Many young people live in desperate circumstances, unable to see a positive future ahead. Our society has become somewhat lost, with a prevailing attitude of “anything goes.”

Even in more formal settings, such as during a major speech by the president, we witness disrespectful behavior. The former president, too, demonstrated a lack of respect for court decisions and legal processes. And if you watch the ‘Roast of Tom Brady’ on Netflix, you’ll notice that some celebrities can’t complete a sentence without using profanity.

It’s essential to reflect on these trends and consider how we can restore a sense of respect and responsibility among our youth."

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