Horrible trees in bloom


The Bradford or callery pear trees are in bloom.

The fast-growing invasive weed trees stand as street trees throughout the tourist district in Niagara Falls.

They are cheap, fast growing, susceptible to wind damage and do nothing for birds or wildlife.

They also smell horrid, like a cross between rotting flesh and intimacy gone wrong.

Some states, like Ohio have outlawed the sale or planting of the horrid tree.

Meanwhile, Niagara Falls has no plan for trees. While other communities like the Tonawandas secured grants and planned responsibly, the Cataract City only responds to forestry issues in crisis, like when a poorly maintained city tree crushes a house or car.

Ditto responsible leaf collection and composting. Our backward community pays to dump brush rather than chipping, composting and selling or even providing for free to homeowners.

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If we could only get the city to pick up the trees that fell from the storm two years ago that would be an improvement.there’s a tree waiting for someone’s child to climb across it and become injured, no matter how much I take pictures or call there is no action taken.

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