Niagara Falls Police Blotter

BROKEN WINDOW: Someone smashed a window on a Kia parked in the 1200 block of 15th Street in the Tuesday/Wednesday overnight.

SHOPLIFTER: Stephen Brabec, 44, of 411 6th St. was charged with petit larceny after allegedly attempting to leave WalMart without paying for items valued at $90.44 at about 1 p.m. Wednesday.

HOMELESS: At about 12:25 a.m. Thursday a resident of the 1300 block of Sherwood Ave. reported he heard someone kicking his front door attempting to gain entry. Police responded to the scene and took Madison Desso, 29, homeless into custody on charges of criminal mischief, criminal possession of a weapon and obstructing governmental administration.

ATTEMPTED THEFT: A Whitney Avenue resident reported someone smashed the passenger side rear window and monkeyed with the steering column in an attempt to steal her Hyundai on the Wednesday/Thursday overnight.

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