Women United collect baby supplies

 Women United of Greater Niagara’s Baby Supply Drive officially began March 1. Donations of baby bottles, bottle brushes, wipes, diapers, pacifiers, lotion, baby cereal, baby food, and new baby clothes can now be dropped off at the United Way of Greater Niagara office, located at 6420 Inducon Drive West, Suite B2, until March 31.

Additional drop off locations include:

  • Northwest Bank - 55 Center St., Lewiston, NY 14092; 55 East Ave., Lockport, NY 14094; 1035 Payne Ave, NT, NY 14120
  • Lockport Family YMCA - 5833 Snyder Dr., Lockport, NY 14094
  • Webster's Bistro & Bar - 102 Webster St., NT, NY 1412
  • M&T Bank - 750 Main St., NF, NY 14301
  • Confetti Cottage - 7917 Buffalo Ave., NF, NY 14304
  • Lasalle Library Branch - 8728 Buffalo Ave., NF, NY 14304
  • North Tonawanda Public Library - 505 Meadow Dr., NT, NY 14120

Items collected during the drive will benefit Pinnacle Community Services, Lockport CareNet Pregnancy Center, and Catholic Charities’ Women, Infants & Children Support Program of Niagara County.

United Way of Greater Niagara helps non-profit agencies secure the funding they need for programs serving local youth. Women United of Greater Niagara is an influential group of community-minded women who work with United Way to improve lives and build a better future for the Greater Niagara Region, while inspiring and bringing value to women. To learn more, visit www.uwgn.org.

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