Support the Express

I don’t often ask for donations. In fact, almost never, but if you read the Niagara Express daily, and appreciated community journalism, please support it.

It’s a simple link. Even $5 monthly helps. $10 or $15 is better.

I cover what I see as important in Niagara Falls and Lewiston, in a hopefully unbiased way.

Eventually, CNHI is going to shut down the Gazette. As it is now, they won’t let anyone know what the circulation is because it’s fallen so low no one would advertise. My guess is about 2,000 paid subscribers still get the paper while other pay exorbitant prices to read it online.

Eventually they are going to pull the plug.

I regularly hear from readers who validate my work. Recently, it was a political type who noted my observations of the new council standing up to the mayor were spot on. Four council members abstained from Jim Perry’s resolution to acknowledge the separation of the executive and legislative branches as well as refused to acknowledge Hodgson Russ as the only legal counsel in the matter of eminent domain for Centennial Park.

If you read the Gazette’s coverage it was as if Rick Pfeiffer was at a different meeting. I like and respect Rick and consider him a friend but in recent years what he writes is heavily colored by a few of Mayor Restaino complaining the paper has been unfair.

Another reader approached me recently after I wrote about visiting the Ghetto Tops at 8:30 p.m. on a Saturday. “I felt like you were there at the same time as I was or just after. I was laughing because I saw the same things you did.”

Meanwhile, Mark Scheer is still grinding away, supporting the Salvation Army, publishing the occasional expose on Western Region OTB and letting the readers know Angie’s Kitchen opened.

Scheer covered the dog shelter crisis last week but left out the biggest part of the story, the fact the city is no longer taking in strays because there is no room at Pit Chic, the shelter, even at more than $20,000 monthly, is at capacity.

There are other things I see as a journalist no one else seems to be noticing, for example the fact the Rapids Theater has been shut down by code enforcement.

All this stuff is important. If you think so too, please subscribe. Please use the events page to publicize your happenings as Saladin Allah did last week.

Suggestions, submissions and anything else are always welcome. You can subscribe for one free email daily and also donate at

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