Short Take Politics

Surgical strike happens

The attack that took the lives of 3 US soldiers last night has been avenged with strikes on 40 different targets specifically targeted to disable the terrorist abilities on nonstate actors, minimizing civilian casualties and avoiding the escalation of conflict with Iran. This is good and way better than the overreaction suggested by war hawks.

LA is about to get 6 months of rain in 3 days

Southern California is a different world, a dry desert landscape with cacti and native succulents mixed in with invasives like eucalyptus and Brazilian pepper trees. Streets are not design for lot of rain. While we might have a storm sewer receiver on each end of every block, in many neighborhoods in Orange County, a slight swale runs for several blocks before collecting in a sewer. It’s usually enough. Probably not in the conflagration about to hit though.

Migrants in NYC escaped by bus

The undocumented immigrants who assaulted NYC cops last week fled toward California aboard a bus paid for by taxpayers.…

Ex-President’s trial delayed

The March 4 election interference trial has been delayed pending outcome of an appeal. Other cases are moving forward.…

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