Development objection too little, too late


Restaino for Mayor posted on Facebook a letter signed by 4 Niagara Falls Council members and the mayor objecting to the new residential development being planned for the TeleTech site.

When the plans were announced last September, the same issues were raised by The Niagara Express. An astute citizen pointed out to me that protesting USA Niagara’s ill-conceived development is a bit like complaining about the State redesigning Walnut and Ferry Streets – the state will do what the state will do.

The fact that low-income housing sandwiched between the State Park and entertainment district made no sense from an economic or urban planning perspective is immaterial. There is poor access to public transportation and the area is not walkable. There is no drug store, grocery store or significant retail in walking distance.

Putting 73 apartments in a 6-story building in that area is nonsensical. The time for protest, however, was months ago when the plan was approved, not weeks after demolition began.

Here’s what I wrote on Sept. 24, 2023:

New development not in a good place


“Community Services for Every1” presented at Wednesday’s Council meeting on a $38.6 million project it plans to build on the site of the old Teletech building with first floor retail and 72 apartments including retail on the first floor at 300 First St.

“The project will be funded by a series of public grants and tax credit bonds with a large Payment in Lieu of taxes.

“It seemed odd to me no one on the council questioned the wisdom of constructing 72 units of mostly moderate income housing essentially next to the state park, especially when downtown is dotted with mixed-use renovations with market rate apartments upstairs and vacant retail downstairs.

“Adding to the problem with the proposed site is a lack of walkability. The only thing close to a convenience store anywhere nearby is 7/11 at Niagara and Fourth next to Player’s Bar. There is no grocery store, no pharmacy and not much other than a beautiful waterfall within walking distance.

“Is this about entrepreneurial spirit or bleeding the beast for tax credits, grants and a PILOT agreement to offset the costs a traditional developer might face?”

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