Niagara Falls Police Blotter

SHOT FIRED: An officer conducting an investigation into a missing juvenile in the 2200 block of LaSalle Avenue at about 10:22 p.m. Wednesday reported hearing a gunshot and feared someone shot at him. He directed a juvenile to take cover and called for backup. The shooter was not identified. Neighbors were uncooperative.

NOT A GUN: Officers on patrol on Pine Avenue at about 8 p.m. Wednesday near Pine Pharmacy observed Byron Gilmer, 30, of Chilton Avenue allegedly obstructing traffic. Gilmer said he understood. Police observed a bulge in his waist band which Gilmer kept clutching and a glass pipe in his hand. The suspect ran from the scene and dropped the pipe, which shattered. Police gave chase. When he was caught, Gilmer said the bulge was his belt tying his pants and undershorts together. He was in possession of suspected narcotics and was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing and resisting arrest.

GRAND LARCENY: National Grid reported the theft of 20 Jersey barriers from Niagara Falls Boulevard and 56th St. sometime between February 1 and Thursday. The barriers were valued at $20,000.

GIVE DELIVERS: Officers patrolling LaSalle Avenue at about noon Wednesday observed Jarrett Murray, 24, of 10th Street who was known to be wanted on a warrant walking with a white male who appeared to be drinking an alcoholic beverage from an open container. They stopped to talk to him. He denied his identity and attempted to conceal a string backpack containing a long, metal object. A struggle ensued. Murray, 6’1” 230 pounds was much larger than both officers. Police prevailed in the struggle despite losing radios and body cams and an officer suffering an ankle injury. Murray was charged with resisting arrest and criminal possession of a loaded firearm, a long-barrelled handgun. Murray allegedly said to police “I’m really sorry man, I know you got scared dude and I’m sincerely, uh uh I couldn’t obviously tell you why I was running dude.”

CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: A man who last observed his vehicle on May 28 reported someone smashed out a window and poured gas inside. Matches were found nearby as well as a bottle of juice that did not belong to him.

GRAND LARCENY: A McKoon Avenue resident reported the theft of items valued at $2450 from their vehicle Tuesday/Wednesday overnight.

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