Short Take Politics

Dark Brandon whacks the former guy

Going on Howard Stern, joking about debt and making fun of the Biggest Loser. Such fun and frivolity. The difference between a huckster and a President becomes more apparent every day 45 naps in a courtroom. I’ve called him Donald Milhouse Trump for years. When Joe Biden does it it’s a “Freudian slip.” I hope you are laughing with me.

Hannity tears at the President

Here’s the blowhard entertainer telling us President Biden can’t walk, talk, chew gum and has brutally low approval ratings.

President Biden feuds with Times

The Times from the left and Wall Street Journal from the right both have an elitist intellectual appeal separated from the working class. Most of the time, Presidential administrations go along to get along. Not now. The current administration and the Times are at odds.…

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