Stonehaven report


Stonehaven report

Walked around Stonehaven Nature Preserve in the Town of Lewiston with Gord and Beth.

We had the place to ourselves. The roads are more solid. The initial shock of drastic pruning and cutback has begun to feel more reasonable.

There remains no signage governing conduct, so by my take, hike, camp, respect the place but leave no trace.

Gord ran off leash for most of an hour, bounding through the forest just out of sight, sniffing, marking, doing dog stuff but always charging back to his us at a full gallop with love and enthusiasm. He lives for these adventures. Last week, I mistakenly left the gate open for a full day and he never fled.

The Boy Scout leantos remain especially inviting. You could camp there tomorrow. Respect the place and no one will know.

I looked for signs of early bloom from elms because that’s a clue morels may appear late but saw none. Ditto ramps.

We heard red winged blackbirds, robins, red bellied woodpeckers and a nuthatch but it still is early for warblers even if the juncos have left.

I saw an old Scouting friend recently and told him what the camp had become. I have Catholic heritage. He is a practicing Episcopalean and told me he recently read the Scouts may have to sell Philmont to meet obligations. His wife asked why.

I said “Priestly behavior.” The best humor is dark and if it hurts, maybe you should look within.

It is a great privilege to visit this pristine place, unblemished by heathens. I hope the town and Western New York Land Conservancy continue to respect and preserve and keep it dog friendly.

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