Summary of the Dec. 15 Niagara Falls School Board meeting
Comprehensive Improvement Plan
Stanley Wojton, principal and Leah Baldassare, assistant principal updated the board on Cataract Elementary School’s School Improvement Plan for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Cataract has two commitments: 1) expanding relationships with staff, families, and the community while prioritizing social-emotional learning for students; and 2) fostering a data-driven instructional learning environment for students by providing a differentiated, collaborative and engaging learning environment to increase achievement for all students.
The first commitment is accomplished by: expanding communication between stakeholders and the professional learning community; First 15 Minutes (establishes a positive tone for the school day), Check and Connect (teachers, social workers, and counselors identify students who need personalized instruction), intentional interventions, family engagement, culturally appropriate learning, Sixth Grade Leadership Pathways, and inclusive learning opportunities.
Utilizing an electronic data wall, communication with staff-instructional focus, and multiple instructional strategies accomplish the second commitment.
Wojton also offered an update on the Raptor and Evolv safety systems at Cataract since launch in September, 1,447 IDs have been scanned. In addition, 4,677 individuals have passed through the school’s Evolv weapons detection system.
Brother’s Keeper grant
The Board voted on several items that enhance the quality of learning including a My Brothers’ Keeper grant.
The School District Family and Community Engagement Grant Program will assist with bridging the gap between students, families, community and the District.
The program provides activities for students to immediately improve academic results, reduce suspension and dropout rates, and increase attendance and graduation rates. Under grant goals and objectives, an emphasis is placed on meeting the unique needs of minority male students.
Pathways tech grant
The New York State Pathways in Technology Early College High School program is a public‐private partnership that prepares students for high‐skill future jobs in technology, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Workplace learning includes ongoing mentoring by professionals in the chosen career sector, worksite visits, speakers, and internships. The P‐TECH program is designed to develop programs in high‐wage, high‐skilled, high‐demand career areas.
Grant for homeless students
The McKinney‐Vento Grant Program facilitates improved attendance, engagement, and academic success of homeless children and youth. The McKinney‐Vento Grant Program also addresses students’ social and emotional needs, educational needs, and physical/emotional needs in light of the COVID‐19 pandemic.
Booker retained
The District negotiated a new contract with Booker College Planning for Niagara
Falls High School through the Early College and Family and Community Engagement Grants.
Booker College Planning works with Niagara Falls High School (NFHS) juniors and seniors to guide them through the scholarship application process. Students receive assistance in the essay writing process. Booker College Planning provides college preparation and application seminars tailored to students in grades 9 – 12.
Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Mark Laurrie recognized NFHS Wrestling Coach Joshua Eagan for being named Western New York Large Schools Coach of the Year.
The District Parent Committee (DPC) is holding a meat raffle on March 31. The money raised at the event will go to NFCSD parent groups.
The NFCSD, in partnership with Niagara University, held a graduation ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 17, for 18 individuals in the Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) program. The program enables adult learners who are not fully fluent and literate in English to become proficient with the language.
NFCSD schools and all buildings will be closed from December 24, 2022 – January 2, 2023, for winter recess. Happy holidays!
The next Niagara Falls City School District Board of Education meeting is Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. with a public hearing on capital projects at 6:30 p.m.