A bounty of beagles


(Courtesy of Rob Bennett/Robshots)

Niagara Falls NY - Investigation: Animal Cruelty - 2315 15th Street

January 27, 2023

A Niagara Falls woman was charged after 8 dogs were removed from her home Friday morning.

65-year old Norma McGuire was issued an appearance ticket for misdemeanor animal cruelty for failing to provide adequate care. Investigators noted that the house was in deplorable conditions.

Around 10:15 a.m., Niagara County SPCA Investigators, along with Niagara Falls Police Animal Control, removed 7 beagles and 1 shepard from the home on 15th Street in the city's north end. All 8 dogs were taken to the SPCA where they will undergo physical and medical evaluations.

Today's removal comes roughly a year and a half after more than a dozen beagles were removed from the home in June 2021. At that time, one of the dogs had escaped to Canada. When the dog was reunited with the woman, those assisting with the reunification discovered that the woman had 16 dogs in the home, many of which were needing immediate care.

The discovery led to the notification of SPCA Investigators, who acted. Unlike in June 2021 where she was allowed to keep 2 of the 16 dogs, today, investigators seized all of the dogs.

(Editor's note: In an unrelated but related manner, Niagara Falls has a temporary agreement with the Niagara County SPCA to take care of stray animals but is under pressure to create its own solution.)

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